Welcome to CarolinaCAN’s State of Public Education data tool, your one-stop shop for the facts on North Carolina public schools!

In it you’ll see where our education system stands and how it’s changed over time. You’ll see the gains we’ve made, areas of needed improvement in North Carolina public schools and how our state compares to others across the nation.

The data are interactive and easy to use. Just click through the tabs next to the graphs to explore comparisons across years in North Carolina and between North Carolina and rest of the country.

We keep this data tool as up-to-date as possible so you can stay informed. We will add new data to this website as they are made available to the public. We hope this tool provides helpful data and meaningful guidance on the policy decisions and investments we make as a state and that you will come back and check in with us regularly.

So, come on in! Explore the data tool and join us in celebrating our students’ progress and engaging in the conversation about the work left to do for North Carolina’s learners.