As we reflect on the 62 years since Brown v. Board declared segregated schools unconstitutional, we know the fight to give every child a fair shot at opportunity must go on. This hits particularly close to home in North Carolina.
Close to 83,000 public charter school students, almost 90% of all charter students in the state, are denied thousands each year. For every one dollar sent to traditional public schools, public charters receive less than 75 cents. That equates to nearly $39 million in lost funds.
Charter students are tired of being treated differently than traditional public school students. Watch the following students from Torchlight Academy and Research Triangle High School ask the NC General Assembly why they’re being treated differently.
Now is the time to change. House Bill 539 would allow fair funding for ALL public schools in the state, including public charters. Join us on Twitter and let state representatives know our students deserve #FairFundsNC!
Learn more!
Fair Public Funding NC
To get more information on the funding challenges facing NC charters, visit Fair Public Funding NC's website.